Brian "Krow" Aker (krow) wrote,
Brian "Krow" Aker

Is Spykee the Spy Robot it claims to be, or is this a Sea Monkey thing all over again?

Seattle will soon be attacked by giant sea monsters with radiation

(... or was that Japan...)

Who is going to stop them?

Skykee the Spy Robot! (


All those years spent during childhood learning how to build ferris wheels and big choppy machines with my erector set, those skills may finally be of use!

(...unlike my graduate degree...)

From the copy:

Build your spy robot and control Spykee from anywhere in the world via the internet through a wifi connection.

If this copy is right, I'll take three. Maybe four... One for each cat and dog in the house, and a final one for the front door. If I can mount tazers I could have an army of them for a few grand to protect my home.

It will be awesome.

Or it will be sea monkeys all over again. My own world... under a microscope... which died quickly when left in the drafty window.

Toys when I was a kid were a disappointment, they always sounded much cooler then what they turned out to be. Except for the paint gun, that got me into exactly as much trouble as I thought it would.

Building databases can be rather dull compared to attack robots.... I wonder if I could find a way to put MySQL in it, so that I can expense my first one...

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